My Dad, My Gun, and My Dog

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Upland Hunting

A collection of memories captured in photographs of days spent afield chasing upland birds from all across the country with our favorite hunting buddies, our dogs. Don't forget to enter your photos in the photo contest. You can enter as many photos as you would like.

My Dad, My Gun, and My Dog

Posted By:Megan Moore on 2/18/2017

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The day before this hunt my dad's 30-year-old Remington 1187 stopped shooting. After a little investigation, we discovered that after thousands of shots an internal piece had broken. As we were several hours away from home, or a backup shotgun, I decided to shoot with my camera that day and let my dad hunt with my gun. A few hours and a successful chukar hunt later, my dad, carrying my shotgun, and my dog were walking ahead of me on the driveway back to our cabin. My dad reached out to pet my nine-year-old Yellow Labrador Retriever just as I shot this photo.
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