Female Drathtaar Veteran pheasant guide dog

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Female Drathtaar Veteran pheasant guide dog

  Darik Tschetter

  39114 193 St
          Hitchcock, South Dakota - United States



Dixie is a black and white. She was whelped 3-15-2012. I did not get her certified but there is no doubt that if I had put her through the testing she would have scored very high. She has an excellent nose and is very good at finding downed birds even if they are cripples. She is solid on point. Great retriever and all around great dog. She is as tough as they come and not much of anything stops her from hunting. She has hunted with wounds that I was unaware of right away because she just doesn’t let it show that she is injured. She isn’t the kind of dog to start trouble but fair warning if another dog wants to try her she will happily throw down. So I do recommend not letting her mingle with the other dogs at the end of the field. When the walk is done water and kennel her. She is very affectionate to people and would make someone a great companion dog as well. She will become protective of who ever she bonds with. She was one of my go to dogs when I needed to get things done. Great dog and I hope someone will give her a great home and affection. She has earned it no doubt. She is a big female and I have only ever seen one dog that was foolish enough to start trouble with her. Most all dogs give her plenty of space without her doing anything at all. She can get short with other dogs when she is tired and wore down. Hey we all get a bit cranky when we are wore out.