Rain Cloud Female

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Rain Cloud Female

  Andy Neria Neria

  1130 SW Orleans
          Topeka, Kansas - United States




I have a female out of House's Rain Cloud for sale. The bottom side of her pedigree is Miller's Chief/Mac's Reelfoot Chief breeding. This dog is 6 years old and is a productive gundog. She runs the country right, has a good nose and is whoa broke. She points her birds with an 11 o'clock tail and runs that way also. She is fast on the ground and covers the ground well. This dog has never been bred but I will gaurantee that if you spend some money and breed to a quality stud dog this female will give you pups that are better then what most people have now. She has all the characteristics a fella is looking for in a gundog/brood female. If this dog had been started as a pup she would be a legit shooting dog now. She is for sale for $750. This is good Miller breeding and this dog WILL DNA. Please contact me for more information.
