Iowa German Shorthaired Pointers

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

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Iowa German Shorthaired Pointers

  Brian Wollaston

  1424 Wildwood Rd
          Kirkman, Iowa - United States

  712-579-0764 cell


This perfect litter of GSP's is out of Wollaston's Pointing Gunner and Jessebelle's Sheer Delight. Both are my personal gundogs and cherished family pets. This is a repeat breeding that has produced incredible pups. ALL pups point and retrieve without the need for force breaking/etc. The pups train easilly and quickly and have a strong desire to please. These are not the hyper GSP's you see so often. Gunner is a great hunter and has won multiple hunting events such as Nat'l Bird Dog Challenges, Pheasant/Quail series, and many state/local gunclub events. Gunner has never been to a trainer and just naturally finds game, points,honors, retrieves, and has a great tempermant.Jessie is a fabulous dark GSP
that points, honors, retrieves, and also has never needed the help of professional training to become the finished gundog she is today.
The pups will leave sight pointing, introduced to loud noises, multiple distractions(saws, cars, lawnmowers,etc.) The pups are now being introduced to pen raised quail that have velcro straps on the wings and showing lots of interest. I have no doubt that by next wednesday whent hey are 6 weeks old they will all be sight pointing(most are already). These pups will not be timid and will be very well socialized by myself and my children.
They will be 7 weeks old Nov 5th and will go to their new homes having had both sets of 7 way shots, dew claws and tails removed and be wormed/etc. I will hold these pups on a first come first served basis. Feel free to call for updated pictures/information.