Yellow Lab male veteran pheasant guide dog

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Yellow Lab male veteran pheasant guide dog

  Darik Tschetter

  SD-United States



For sale Yellow Lab male whelped 7-12-2014. Gauge is a go getter he covers a good amount of ground and is excellent at locating birds. He normally flushes but occasionally will point. He is an excellent retriever. Very well mannered. He has competed in NUCS and I think is 3 points from Champion status. He has also competed in BDC as well as DOGS. He is not a fighter at all and backs down from most any aggression towards him. His obedience is excellent sit, heal, stay. Last fall he made a 1/2 mile retrieve on a pheasant that wasn’t hit very hard at all. This season he already has a 1/4 mile retrieve. Only reason I am selling him is because my lodge burned down and I have to let my dogs go. I will only sell to someone that is going to hunt him a lot. He is to good of a dog to only get out a couple times a year. He will hunt and obey anyone almost immediately. Very seldom ever need to correct him with the ecollar. He is very intense hunter. A lot of fun to shoot over. He loves his job. He is a medium sized lab maybe medium small.