Started Male Zane VD Westwind Grandson(SOLD)

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Started Male Zane VD Westwind Grandson(SOLD)

  Robert Marlatt

  2954 Avery Rd
          Slatington, Pennsylvania - United States


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Sledge has two AKC Junior Hunter Title passes, and is an excellent close working German Shorthaired Pointer that is bred very, very well. Bloodlines include Sundance Zane VD Westwind MH on both sides, Jaegerhof’s Sir Henry Higgins MH, Indian Brook’s Emmy MH. We just used him as a stud dog, and he threw some very nice pups. This is an excellent opportunity to add a quality stud dog and hunter to your kennel or home. Sledge is very personable, HOUSEBROKE, and gets along with other dogs and children. He hunts like a dream, ranges close and has an excellent nose. Very steady on point, whoa trained and e-collar trained. Marks and retrieves very well. This dog really looks good on point and is eager to please. Almost 2 years old. The only reason we didn’t finish his AKC Junior Title is because testing ended in our area. He had scores from 8-10’s in all 4 categories . If he doesn’t sell we will be finishing his Junior Title, and working on Senior but then his price will increase with training. Delivery Included in price! $3000.00, and a payment plan is available!!!!! Check us out at