Black and Yellow Pointing Labrador Retreiver puppies

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Black and Yellow Pointing Labrador Retreiver puppies

  Kenton Sybesma

  SD-United States



Dot is a good looking, well mannered, athletic yellow dog that loves to please. She weighs 64 lbs and has amazing drive in the field with a perfect off switch in the house. She is loved by everyone, is amazing with kids, loves being around people, and is a great mother to her first litter of 11. She comes from excellent pointing blood lines and earned her CPR (Certified Pointing Retriever) title in 2022 at just 10 months old. Not only does she love to point, she is amazing in a field blind and loves to retrieve.

Ace, this 60 pound black stud has a steel trap memory on multiple marks and has a beautiful point in the upland. He is out of 4XGMPR GRHRCH Rock Chalk Jayhawk MH "Rock". Ace has 6 of 6 dogs in his two generation pedigree that are GMPR's and five of the six are 4XGMPR titled! He is a very laid back stud dog in his off time but charges his marks and blinds! His nose in the upland is second to none often scenting birds 40 yards off. He is an amazing family dog and is always looking to please.

This litter is sure to produce some of the best upland, waterfowl, testing, and companion dogs on the market today. Puppies were whelped 2/25/2024 producing both male and female black and yellow dogs of the highest pedigree.