Wirhaired Pointing Griffons

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

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Wirhaired Pointing Griffons

  joshua Giddings

  342 Shelter Grove Cr
          Bozeman, Montana - United States




It is now confirmed that my female has taken. She is one month in and starting to show. If you are looking for a true all around dog then the Griffon is the dog for you. My griffs are kept in the house year round. This female was in Wyoming for almost 2 months and had close to 300 birds killed over her she is a great hunter and loves to be in the field. This past Decmeber I was lucky enough to get in some good flights of ducks and again she impressed with some awesome retrieves in very difficult waters. These dogs are the only way go if you want a dog that you can take from the duck blind and go to the rolling hills for upland and still have an animal that is great around the family. I am taking deposits on 6 dogs i have 2 deposits already so don't wait to long. Deposits are $150.00. I also offer a 6 month puppy guarantee for no extra cost. If you have any questions please email or call ask for Josh. I will be posting pictures of the pups when they are born in a month. Look forward to hearing from you.