Short Reed Goose Calling - The Cheater Moan

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Short Reed Goose Calling - The Cheater Moan

By Matt Wettish


0:24 Everything is frozen up solid.

How you doing? Welcome to Gundogs Online. And since everything's frozen up solid and it doesn't look like there's going to be a whole bunch of hunting going on, I guess it's time to practice. So we got a couple tips for you.

0:41 What I want to talk to you today about is what I call a cheater moan. First thing you want to focus on is like I discussed in our other video, in the short reed intro, is your hand position. Make sure you maintain that barrel wrap and that back pressure hole for your back pressure. [goose calling] Okay. Once you have that, then all you need to do is just a short breath of air through the call.

1:12 Once you've got your back pressure down, and you're doing your normal clucks, all I want you to focus on is basically just a steady, very low pressure breath of air through the call, just to make a slight moan.

1:28-1:36 [goose calling]

1:37 Okay. Once you get that, that is what we are going to work into your clucks to give you what I call the cheater moan.

1:46 Alright, now that you've got that down, the cheater moan basically is going to be just that slight, light blow of air, through the call in between your clucks. So, this is what it's going to sound like.

2:00-2:07 [goose calling with alternating clucks and moans]

2:08 Now that's slow. Okay, make sure you keep them separate. Everything needs to be kept separate. If you run them together, it's going to sound like a honk.  [goose calling] You don't want that. You want to separate them so they sound distinct.

2:23-2:34 [goose calling]

2:35 I find it easier to put the moan after the cluck so it doesn't bleed together. So rather than going [goose calling], do it, [goose calling] and it just really keeps them separate. So just match it into your clucks [goose calling] and you basically just added another goose to your routine, very, very simply.

3:02 Now again, make sure you're keeping things separate. You don't need to be that speed demon I talk about, okay? Keep it slow; keep it concise; make sure you don't have to move your hands all over like a magician. It's  [goose calling] and just run it together. And learn your breath, come up with a routine, come up with a rhythm, that you know your breath can handle. How many notes can you blow with one breath?

3:34-3:40 [goose calling]

3:41 So that way you're not shorting yourself out of a note and you're not getting half way through. So you're always sounding like a goose. That's what you're ultimately looking for, quality, not speed.

3:54 Thanks for joining us here at Gundogs Online. I hope this tip is going to work out for you. It certainly has for me. It's really easy, really simple to do and with a little bit of practice, I'm sure it's going to help you be more successful the next time you're out in the field. So check out some of the calls we have here to offer and next time you're in the field, good luck and safe hunting.

4:12 [Closing]

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