Imprinting The Right Start For Your Hunting Dog

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Imprinting The Right Start For Your Hunting Dog


0:31  Announcer: helping you get the most from your hunting dog. Brought to you by George Hickox Bird Dogs.

0:44 Hey buddy. Hey there pup.

0:47 Hi, I'm George Hickox. We're out in our training grounds in North Dakota and we're going to talk about the imprinting stage right now with young puppies. The imprinting stage is going to last from 6 to 20 weeks. During that period of time, the pup's learning what the world's all about, his view of the world. That's the ideal time to expose the dog to birds, running with a check cord, running with a four wheeler, with an e-collar on him, not live, no stimulation at that point.

1:14 What we're trying to do is create a pup that he says, hey this is a great world. I live in it. It's a bowl of cherries. So that we create a bold and confident and happy dog that's well rounded and has been exposed to many of the tools that we're going to need for future training. Thatta boy.

1:31 [Closing]

1:54 Announcer: helping you get the most from your hunting dog. Brought to you by George Hickox's Bird Dog Training School.

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