Gear For Your Blind Bag

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Gear For Your Blind Bag

by Hunter Grounds


 0:31 helping you get the most from your hunting dogs.

 0:39 How you doing? I just want to take a quick minute and go over what is in my blind bag consistently throughout the year. Things come in and out of it, but things I keep in there year round, from September through the end of January. First off, I can't forget my Benelli shotgun and my Federal ammunition. But also I like to keep a good pair of waterproof gloves in my bag. I don't like to shoot with them. I can't shoot with gloves; I've never been very comfortable with it. But whenever I'm putting decoys out I like to have a good pair of warm, waterproof gloves.

 1:13 Also, when it gets cold, and snow's blowing in your ear, I like to have a good necky. It's got a drawstring on both sides; you can tighten it up. It's got a hood. No snow can get in your ears and it will definitely keep you a lot warmer than if you ain't got one.

 I like to have a good set of binoculars, just for the simple fact of scouting. I like to keep a pair in my truck and my blind bag.

 A good headlamp instead of a mini mag lite, trying to keep in your mouth, trying to hang on to it. In the morning time you're putting decoys out or brushing a blind. This here's a headlamp, will go over your hat. You just turn it on and you're there. Your hands are there and you're free to go. You don't have to worry about holding a light and keeping a light on everything.

 2:08 In September season bug spray. I cannot stand chiggers and ticks, and especially mosquitos buzzing around me, biting me, especially when I'm out there trying to kill one.

 My calls. Sometimes these things get out of my bag. I'll leave them in the truck. But if I do do that, I've always got a backup in here. These don't come out. I've always got a backup so if I do forget my lanyard, they're right there.

 Hand warmers. They make a lot of different kinds now but I just like to keep just a couple good hand warmers in my bag just for the simple fact you might run out of propane one day and you need a little warm up.

 2:53 A camera. You can't go back and replay those memories. If you've got a camera, you can show the memories. I always like to keep a good digital camera, whether it's digital, disposable, I just like to keep a good camera in my bag at all times throughout the year.

 Last but not least, my wet wipes. You never know when I'm going to have to run to the edge of the woods. It will save me a bunch of socks and I don't leave home without them. That's for sure.

 I think that's pretty well what I keep in my bag consistently throughout the year. Hopefully this will help you with something that you might not be carrying in your blind bag that I'm carrying in mine. So next time you're out there trying to get down and cover up and get you some, hope this helped you out.

 3:45 [Closing]

 4:07 helping you get the most from your hunting dogs.

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