5 hole dog box

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5 hole dog box

  eric meyer

  45246 hwy 44
          parker, South Dakota - United States



Need to sell older Jones brand aluminum dog box. It has 5 holes for dogs and 1 with a watertank in it. The holes are large enough to hold labs that are 100 pounds. The water tank can be taken out to hold 6 dogs. as of right now I am using the water tank and storage. Right now I have it in a 1995 ford pickup.

It is in good overall condition. The fans on the top need to be fixed and a few rivots tightened up. The box is in South Dakota so it will not be able to be shipped. I am asking $1500 or best offer.

I have plenty of pictures and I will send them to you if you call me at 605-310-9401.