English Springer spaniel Male (Bon)

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English Springer spaniel Male (Bon)

  Raymond wunderlich

  374 Neer Road
          Long Eddy , New York - United States



Dam Uplands Whole Lotta Rosie
Sire Uplands ACDC aka Angus

Bon loves to retrieve and has a ton of natural ability. He easily finds flushes and retrieves. Bon would make some a great hunting companion. He is from our Whole Lotta Rosie and ACDC (Angus). He is pictured with his father above. Uplands Whole Lotta Rosie has dogs in her pedigree like Uplands Joliet Jake (1995 US High Point Amateur Champion), Bar- Dans Drift, Pondiews Windy Acres Yankee (All Time High Point Sire). UPLANDS ACDC (call name Angus) is a naturnal ball of fire, and his pedigree reads very nicely and includes dogs like Miss Taylor of Sonset Hill, Rushworth Swift, Kettlestang Comet, Clarburgh Echo. Both dogs are field trial competitors and hold their own in the field, as well on wild roosters. Angus’s first year of competition, as a two year old, yielded him both a 2nd Place finish and a 3rd Place finish which earned him Five (5) Points towards a title.
