3yr Old GSP Female - Quality Gun Dog

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3yr Old GSP Female - Quality Gun Dog

  Indy Gun Dogs

  IN-United States



I am on the major Gun Dog sites every day looking,buying, selling and see numerous ads for what most people consider finished Gun Dogs. I see them advertised anywhere from $2,000 - $6,500. If in fact these dogs, with the abilities advertised, are selling for these prices then this female would be worth $7,500. But, that is not what I am asking for her. Josie is a solid liver granddaughter of 3XNFC Rawhide's Clown. She does it all and does it with style & intensity and loves every minute of it. She is a bird finding machine! I raised her from a pup and she has almost trained herself. She has a Junior Hunter Title ( 4 out of 4 attempts ). I have raised 2 litters out of her and she is passing on her characteristics to her pups. As I look at the prices other dogs are being sold for I am assuming they are going to serious hunters that are seeing a lot of birds. This is what I want for Josie and if someone is looking for a Quality Gun Dog, this is the best deal out there.

Serious Inquiries Only
