QAA MH Sired Choclate Lab Puppies

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QAA MH Sired Choclate Lab Puppies

  David Kuzma

  366 Strong Street
          East Haven, Connecticut - United States



Seal, is a handsome 84 pound male, "muscular and fast!" His water entries are spectacular. His love of cold water makes him a bonus late season hunter. Easy to train, Seal started by taking 13 straight ribbons to complete two titles with very high scores - Working Retriever in NHRA and Senior Hunter AKC! He is a pleasure to watch. In one quick season Seal received his Master Hunter AKC title. He qualified All-Age the next season. His desire and style are shining on the field trial circuit. He is now competing in Open and took a 3rd place ribbon in his second trial. Seal has great marking ability, memory and he is steady. These qualities make him a great competitor and a fantastic hunting companion.
In addition to his success as a competitor, he is a superb hunting companion with an outstanding dove, duck, goose and pheasant record. He is a loving and gentle pet. As a stud dog he carries and throws the warm and balanced personality of his sire.

DAM: Bodi's pedigrees includes strong field trial lines (Candlewood's Cash on the Line (QAA, 10 Derby Points, Qualifying 1,2,3,4, Open 4 JAM, Amateur 2, 3 JAMS). Cash is possibly the most beautiful chocolate field champion Lab in America -- see his picture here, and also on the cover of the November 2002 Special Anniversary Issue of the Retriever Journal!).)

COLOR AND SIZE: Both Seal and Bodi are good-looking chocolate labs. Seal has a medium frame of 85 lb., while Bodi is a medium size 70 lb. Both have muscular builds. We expect good-looking chocolate puppies with strong athletic 70-85 lb. frames.

COST: Prices will be as follows: Chocolate males - $800, Chocolate females - $850. All pups will have first shots and have a full guarantee on hips, eyes, general health and hunting desire. All costs of transportation including airfare, travel kennel, and vet health certificate will be the responsibility of the new owner.
