CH sired elhew puppies

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CH sired elhew puppies

  matt stucky

  112 willow lane
          moundridge, Kansas - United States



Gigolo speaks for himself, he has countless placements in the NBHA, he is a 3XRU CH, and a 3XCH. He is one of the most complete bird dogs in the game. He points,backs, and retrieves.

OakCreek's elhew Echo (100% Elhew) is a real snappy little pointer, that loves to retrieve as much as she loves to point. She has a medium to close range and handles like a dream. She has a natural front running pattern and you rarely have to talk to her. She is in the process of being broke for shooting dog events. Echo is a top notch hunting dog, she has put both wild pheasants and quail in the bag. Echo has placements in the AFTCA.