Video Transcripts

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Video Transcripts Articles

Short Reed Goose Calling - The Cheater Moan

How you doing? Welcome to Gundogs Online. And since everything's frozen up solid and it doesn't look like there's going to be a whole bunch of hunting going on, I guess it's time to practice. So we got a couple tips for you.

Short Reed Goose Calling Basics

I tell you what, when we clear this brush out between the pond and the field, it's going to be nuts next year when it comes for goose season. How you doing? Welcome to Gundogs Online and my name's Matt Wettish. I'm here to talk to you today about short reed calls and answer a few of the simple questions, basic questions that most people have about them.

Short Reed Goose Calling - The Laydown Call

Welcome to Gundogs Online. What I want to do today is talk to you about something that I see happening all the time. It has to do with the laydown call. They call it a murmur, a laydown call. It's basically what you're doing when you're trying to finish birds. I got a couple tips and tactics for you that I think will really help keep that laydown call a lot more realistic and a lot more effective next time you're in the field.

Setting A Jerk Rig for Duck Hunting

I'm Dave Hochman with Gundogs Online. Today we're going to give you some simple tips on solving the problem of having no movement in your decoy rig. We're going to teach you how to set up a simple, jerk string.

Decoy Placement for Goose Hunting Over Water

Hi, I'm Dave Hochman with Gundogs Online. Today I'm going to talk to you about setting floaters while hunting Canada geese.

Goose Decoy Spread - Setting Up With The Wind In Your Face

Man, what a morning. We just finally got our 18th bird. The cameraman even got in on a little bit of the shooting. What we are, we're on a high spot, one of the highest spots for miles. We can see what looks like to me ten miles. But, we had a heck of a morning. We had a combination of full body silhouettes and some crackable.

Don't Shoot Into Big Flocks

Tell you what. Let me give you a little tip on this morning, our situation. The wind kind of switched directions on us. And the geese were right in line behind us and the silhouettes. All we did was flip the blinds around.

Putting Together A Short Reed Goose Call

We can't hunt on Sundays so I figured I'd just talk to you a minute about just basically taking a call apart and getting it back together, not so much tuning it, but just getting it back together.

Fitting an E-Collar

You know without a doubt the modern e-collar is the most humane way to train a dog. But getting that collar on right, in the best place so your dog can perform in the field is of utmost importance.

How to Pick Up And Hold A Puppy

Let's talk about a safe and proper way to pick your puppy up. This is how I unfortunately see most people pick puppies up. Almost like a baby, they reach underneath and they left them up like this. I'm really not fond of that method and I'll tell you why.