Garmin's Guide: How to Train the Dog to Heel and Sit While Wearing the Garmin Delta Collar

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Garmin's Guide: How to Train the Dog to Heel and Sit While Wearing the Garmin Delta Collar

In this article we will explain how to train your dog to heel and sit while wearing the Garmin Delta and Garmin Delta Sport Collars

You should make sure that even before starting to use the collar for training, the dog must be very well versed with the “heel,” “sit,” and “come” commands while only wearing the leash. Once the dog is well-trained on the leash, let him wear the collar and make sure that you start at the appropriate level of intensity for your dog.

Start the training with the collar with the “heel” and “sit” commands.

1.  Keep your dog at your by your side while still wearing the leash. Lightly pull on the leash and give “sit” command.

2.  If the dog doesn’t follow the command, briefly push on a training button and give the command “sit” again.

3.  Give the dog a praise every time he follows the command.

Once the dog shows that he doesn’t need the correction to follow the “sit” command, proceed with training with the “heel” command.

4.  Next, place the collar on your dog and keep the leash on. Keep your dog by your side and give the command “heel” and start walking forward and lightly tug on the leash at the same time.

5.  If the dog doesn’t follow the command, briefly push on a training button and give the command “heel” again then step to another direction or you can also tug the leash back.

Give the dog a praise every time he follows the command.

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