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Project HomeSafe

An Extraordinary Year of Promoting Firearm Safety across America

Project HomeSafe has succeeded in distributing all 2.4 million of the firearm safety kits it was able to purchase in 2002. Looking ahead, a new grant from the U.S. Department of Justice and additional funding from the firearms industry through the National Shooting Sports Foundation will allow a fleet of mobile education units to distribute increased allotments of firearm safety kits to all partnering states in 2003.

In the interim, we remind you of Project HomeSafeís core message that encourages safe handling and proper storage of firearms in the home. Please take this opportunity to ask yourself if your firearms are stored in a place inaccessible to children or other unauthorized users. If they are, we thank you for being a responsible gun owner. If they are not, please take a moment to read the Project HomeSafe brochure on this Web site to learn steps you can take to safely store your firearms. If you need assistance, a firearms retailer near you can answer your questions about proper storage and provide a variety of safe storage equipment options - from gun locks to lock boxes to gun safes.

How Project HomeSafe has raised awareness about gun safety across America.
  • More than 2,400,000 firearm safety kits were distributed to gun owners. Each kit includes a cable-style gun locking device and safety brochure.

  • Project HomeSafe was officially launched in 43 states.

  • A partnership with the National Conference of Lieutenant Governors resulted in 30 lieutenant governors taking a leadership role in Project HomeSafe in their states.

  • Four governors sanctioned launches - Gov. George Pataki (NY), Gov. Jane Swift (Mass.), Gov. Rick Perry (Texas) and Gov. Mark Schweiker (Penn.)

  • Six mobile education unit trucks made Safety Tours in 43 states, bringing key firearms safety messages and gun locking devices to the local level.

  • More than 1,000 law enforcement agencies participated in Project HomeSafe.

  • Outstanding media coverage of the program helped raise awareness about firearm safety across the country and prompted many gun owners to check that their firearms are securely stored and made inaccessible to children and other unauthorized persons.

We want your input: