Hunting Family Companion or Kennel Dog - Page 2

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

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Personal daily contact with the family unit had helped to fully develop this social animal’s environmental requirements and assisted them in excelling at what they originally were bred to do; hunt. Fulfilling the last void in there temperament by human compassion, the hunting dog was working not only to find game, but attempting to work it’s hardest to please the owner at the same time, as well. However, as time progressed and canines gained in popularity, many hard-core followers from the old school were reluctant to try this new idea, refusing to change their old ways of doing things. Many hard-core believers began to fabricate and exaggerate reasons for keeping the hunting dog outside. Thus, handing down the old wives tale.

Truth be known, hunting dogs bond better and have better temperaments if they are inside and part of the family unit.
Photo by: Author
To this day, I am sure that if you speak to several different gun dog people you will still hear this fallacy. You will get several different reasons why the dogs should remain outside. Isn’t it ironic how over the passage of time stories can get so exaggerated? Oh, believe me, this tale has had plenty of time to gain in exaggeration and it surely has!

For close to twenty years I have dedicated my career to the sporting dog arena. On the public educational side of things, informing potential gun dog owners about how the gun dog fits into the family unit and still is an exceptional performer in the field is the first misnomer I still usually have to quell. The hunting companion that sleeps in the house and goes hunting with dad on the weekends is a true fact of reality; here in today’s society where the statement “man’s best friend” is a cherished paraphrase. Professional breeders have been facing this new challenge for many years while developed their strain of gun dogs. Professional trainers realize that their strain of gun dogs must fulfill more than just one need. We now must produce exceptional performers in the field, and our strain of gun dogs has to consistently prove itself as being a welcomed family member with unquestionable temperament around small children. The literal old wives tale “ if you have a hunting dog it should stay out side in a kennel”, no longer has any basis in today’s reality. The question that we must now asked is this: Does the breeder of a specific breed of gun dog have a properly developed strain that will fill my needs both in the house, around young children, and also have the natural hunting ability for a successful day in the field? Time to face it folks, we are in the twenty first century!
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