Hunting Dog Care

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Hunting Dog Care Articles

Common Emergencies and Your Dog

No matter how carefully a dog is supervised, accidents do happen. Taking the injured dog to a veterinary facility for treatment is recommended. The following suggestions are to help the dog owner identify the nature of the emergency and the steps that can be taken if; for some reason, prompt veterinary care is not available. In any emergency, try to remain calm and think clearly. Approach the injured dog in a quiet, non-threatening manner and speak in a soothing tone of voice as you call the dog by name. If your dog seems inclined to bite, which he may do if frightened and in pain, protect yourself by restraining him.

Cold Weather Care of Dogs

Along with proper nutrition. several factors will help ensure the health and performance of dogs during the winter. Dogs of all ages should be in good body condition prior to and during winter months to withstand colder temperatures. Providing the special care your dogs need during severe cold may require extra work, but helping assure their well-being and comfort makes it well worth the effort.

Progesterone Testing - A Successful Breeder

Do you wake up in a cold sweat fearing you have missed a breeding date? Are you feeling stressed as your bitch’s due date approaches? Worried that you are going to waste the last vial of frozen semen from your champion stud?

Selecting and Bringing Home A Puppy

Before selecting a puppy, ask yourself if you are willing to make the commitment of time needed to train and care for the dog and have the money available to provide the proper nutrition and needed veterinary care over the years. Choosing a puppy is making a commitment to provide long term care for a living creature that will be totally dependent upon you.

Lyme Disease - An Increasing Threat to Dogs and Their Human Companions

In 2002, 23,763 cases of human Lyme disease were reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Ninety-five percent of these cases were from the states of Connecticut, Delaware, Rhode Island, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Hampshire, New York, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. The real startling statistic is that the actual number of human cases may be as much as 10 times the number reported.

What’s the Big Deal About a Simple Mosquito Bite?

Now more than ever, a simple mosquito bite may mean serious trouble for you and your sporting dog. With all the “buzz” about West Nile Virus (WNV) and mosquitoes, no wonder many dog owners are concerned. To put some of the concerns about WNV in dogs to rest, dog owners should understand that their canine friends are very resistant to the virus and very few dogs develop any clinical signs.