Dog Health / Nutrition

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Dog Health / Nutrition Articles


Ringworm is a highly contagious fungal infection caused by either the Microsporum cainis or Microsporum gypseum organisms. It is not a worm at all, but rather a fungus that affects both animals and humans, alike.

Skin Problems

Dry skin is a common problem for canines. However, identifying the cause can be difficult as more than one condition can cause dry skin, flakes (pet dander) or a dull flat coat. Dry skin may actually be a secondary condition caused by skin allergies such as a contact dermatitis, internal parasitic worms or an allergy to several types of skin mites.

Vaccinations for Dogs

A routine vaccination regiment will significantly increase your dog’s chances of living a normal, healthy life. Some, once life threatening, canine diseases have all but been eliminated due to scientific advances and medical research. Keeping your dog’s vaccinations current and following your veterinarian’s advice can help to eliminate the risk of contracting most canine diseases. Annual booster shots, monthly Heartworm pills and applications of flea and tick repellants will also help to reduce the chances of your dog contracting a more serious disease. Below is a list of the most common diseases to vaccinate against.