Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs
| Sporting Dog Breeders Threatened by U.S. Senate Bill
Sporting Dog Breeders Threatened by U.S. Senate Bill
A Congressional bill places a tight collar on sportsmen who breed and own hunting hounds.
In May, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, R-Pennsylvania, introduced SB 1139. It licenses dog breeders, including those who raise dogs for hunting or hobby. Called the Pet Animal Welfare Statute (PAWS), the bill requires dog breeders who annually raise more than six litters, gross upwards of $500 per year or sell more than 25 dogs per year to be licensed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Sen. Santorum has sponsored three previous versions of this legislation.
“In recent years, the U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance has worked successfully to counter several efforts to pass federal legislation to impose unnecessary restrictions on hunting dog and hobby breeders,” said U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance President Bud Pidgeon. “Such bills are meant to curtail puppy mills and do not target the problem. Instead, they impose strict regulations upon sportsmen and others who raise dogs.”
The proposed federal license requirement would cost over $750 per year. Sportsmen already follow regulation and proper health care for their dogs. The U.S. Sportsmen’s Alliance believes such a move is unwarranted and onerous for dog owners.
Senate Bill 1139 awaits debate in the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee. It is said to have considerable support because senators have not heard from hunters and other likely opponents.
Take Action! Sportsmen nationwide are urged to contact their U.S. senators and members of the Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee. Let them know that SB 1139 restricts law abiding sportsmen who breed and sell hunting dogs. Let them know that there is not adequate funding or manpower to currently regulate the wholesale breeders, let alone individual breeders across the nation. To find your senator and for contact information, call (202) 224-3121, or use the Legislative Action Center at
Senate Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry Committee members: Name Party-State Phone Number Saxby Chambliss (Chairman) R-GA (202) 224-3521 Max Baucus D-MT (202) 224-2651 Thad Cochran R-MS (202) 224-5054 Norm Coleman R-MN (202) 224-5641 Kent Conrad D-ND (202) 224-2043 Michael Crapo R-ID (202) 224-6142 Mark Dayton DFL-MN (202) 224-3244 Charles Grassley R-IA (202) 224-3744 Tom Harkin D-IA (202) 224-3254 Patrick Leahy D-VT (202) 224-4242 Blanche Lincoln D-AR (202) 224-4843 Richard Lugar R-IN (202) 224-4814 Mitch McConnell R-KY (202) 224-2541 Ben Nelson D-NE (202) 224-6551 Pat Roberts R-KS (202) 224-4774 Ken Salazar D-CO (202) 224-5852 Rick Santorum R-PA (202) 224-6324 Debbie Stabenow D-MI (202) 224-4822 Jim Talent R-MO (202) 224-6154 Craig Thomas R-WY (202) 224-6441
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