PETA: Save the “Sea Kittens”

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PETA: Save the “Sea Kittens”

PETA recently unveiled a new marketing campaign devoted to ending fishing as we know it. They plan to do this by not calling a spade a “spade”, or in this case a fish a “fish.” From now on PETA wants everyone to call fish “sea kittens” because no one would ever want to “hurt a sea kitten.”

According to PETA, “sea kittens are just as intelligent (not to mention adorable) as dogs and cats, and they feel pain just as all animals do. “ They go on to call on their supporters to send an e-mail to the director of the Division of Fish and Wildlife Services (FWS) asking that the “hunting of sea kittens” be prohibited as it is a “glaring contradiction” of FWS’ mission.

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