Italian Hunters Strike to Protest Unfair Portrayal in Media

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Italian Hunters Strike to Protest Unfair Portrayal in Media

Hunters set to cull the overpopulation of deer in Northern Italy’s Piedmont region have gone on strike to protest their unfair portrayal in the Italian media.

The government in the area authorized a selective cull of 600 deer to reduce the number of car accidents and the amount of damage done to property and crops by the browsing deer.

The chairman of the Piedmont hunter’s association appointed to cull the deer has accused environmentalists, anti-hunters and the media of portraying the cull “as an illegal massacre of young deer, artfully called Bambi, with the only objective of making hunters look like savages and cruel individuals.”

The hunters’ strike is scheduled for August 24, the day the cull was to take place

As many as 50,000 deer are due to be culled in Italy this year.

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