Hunter Numbers See Slight Increase

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Hunter Numbers See Slight Increase

The number of paid hunting license holders in America has increased slightly over the previous year, according to a recent report from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Numbers for 2004 rose less than one percent (.3 percent), from 14,740,188 to 14,779,071, but hunting advocates are hoping the uptick indicates stabilization following a long downward trend. "Over the past 20 years, good news about hunter numbers has been hard to find, but now we've seen increases in two of the past six years. I believe that's a tribute to the many wonderful programs today that are designed to recruit and retain hunters. The hunting community is working together, making a difference, and it's beginning to show," said Jodi Valenta, director of recruitment and retention programs for NSSF. The report also revealed that hunters now contribute more than $703 million annually for conservation programs.

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