HSUS- Guilty of Wiretapping and Conspiracy?

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HSUS- Guilty of Wiretapping and Conspiracy?

On October 6, United Egg Producers (UEP) filed requests with the Attorneys General in California and Maryland as well as with local District Attorneys alleging an employee of the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) illegally taped phone conversations and then conspired to share transcripts with a political campaign.

According to a press release from UEP, the HSUS employee made multiple taped phone calls while impersonating an industry ally. According to the UEP filing, the HSUS staffer allegedly offered transcripts of the call to a political campaign in California run by a former HSUS employee that seeks to ban most mechanisms for producing eggs in the state.

It is illegal in California to disclose the contents of a phone call, in Maryland (where the call originated) it is illegal to record phone calls unless everyone on the line is aware.

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