Skin Problems

Helping You Get the Most From Your Hunting Dogs

Skin Problems

Dry skin is a common problem for canines. However, identifying the cause can be difficult as more than one condition can cause dry skin, flakes (pet dander) or a dull flat coat. Dry skin may actually be a secondary condition caused by skin allergies such as a contact dermatitis, internal parasitic worms or an allergy to several types of skin mites.

Identifying the problem is the first step in treating dry, flaky skin. On some longhaired breeds and dogs with light colored coats, identifying dry skin and flakes can be difficult to detect, as they are less noticeable. Signs of dry skin can include a dull, flat looking coat or a coat without shine or luster. Small flakes of skin (dandruff) or scaly patches of skin, Acute Moist Dermatitis (hot spots), scratching or chewing the skin and unseasonable shedding can also be symptoms. If the prognosis is determined to be of a secondary nature, such as parasitic worm infestation or allergies, a course of de-worming medications, steroids and veterinarian care is usually required.

These conditions can become uncomfortable to the dog and the increased scratching can lead to more serious conditions. Left untreated, constant scratching at dry skin or chewing of hot spots can lead to infections and hair loss. Skin damage may occur from constant scratching and/or chewing and hot spots can be extremely difficult to eliminate. Again, treatments of steroids, topical sprays, ointments and antibiotics may be required to reduce inflammation, reduce itching and treat any secondary infections.

Usual treatment for dry skin not caused by a secondary condition includes supplements given to provide for the needed minerals, vitamins and fatty acid deficiencies. These supplements usually come in a liquid or gelcap form and are given orally with daily feedings. Results in coat appearance with oral supplement treatments typically take one to two months.

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