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Foiles Migrators - Goose Calls

The Foiles Migrators Strait Meat Honker Goose Call started the short reed craze in the goose hunting world! Undoubtedly, this is one of the easiest goose calls on the market to blow. Foiles Goose Calls take little if any back pressure to make all the sounds of the Canada Goose while goose hunting. Using the Foiles Migrators "GUT" System and shaved reeds, these goose calls have won more championships than any other since it's introduction in 1999, including the World, International, Grand American, 4-Time Canadian Classics, and 4-Time Canadian World's Goose Calling Contests. New for 2004, Foiles Migrators introduced the “Market Hunter” with a totally different bore and all new design. These beautifully designed goose calls will be the next champion whether on the stage or while goose hunting.

Foiles Migrators - Goose Calls Items
