Title: The Smartwork System-Puppy Program
Author: Evan Graham
Format: DVD
Duration: 80 Minutes
The Smartwork System-Puppy Program is an indispensable tool for the critical first 6 months of dog training. The building blocks of your dogs potential start with puppy training.
The Smartwork System was developed over 30 years ago, the DVDs are formatted to be enjoyable to watch while effectively explaining each step. Featuring general field protocol, E-Collar Conditioning, Introduction to Gunfire and Decoys this DVD is an essential for every puppy owner.
• Socialization and Beyond
• General field protocols
• Beware of excesses
• My Puppy Plan
• How To: Tasks and Skills
• Operant Conditioning
• E-collar conditioning
• Introducing puppies to feathers
• Introducing puppies to bumpers & Artificial Game Birds
• Puppy Marking
• Introduction to Gunfire
• Introduction to Water & Water marks for puppies
• Decoy introduction
• Summary