Author: Kenneth Roebuck
Format: Hardcover, 192 pages, B/W Photos & Illustrated
Dimensions: (in inches): 5.00 x 8.00
Professional trainer Kenneth Roebuck devotes an entire book exclusively to the pointing dogs because he can share from a lifetime of experience enough solid, practical advice on working those breeds for point to fill a full volume. Roebuck starts this
dog training book with the basics you need in order to choose a good pup and get the training off to a good start: how and when to use praise and punishment, the use of a checkline, when to introduce your dog to gunfire. He alerts you to problems you'll have to watch for and correct - fear of the gun, hard mouth, blinking, flagging on point, retrieving problems. Beginning with the preliminaries right through the more difficult advanced stages of training, Roebuck proceeds with the patience, care, and confident experience of a professional who has spent a lifetime training and teaching.
Includes the care and training of all pointing breeds Gives your pup the right start with sound basics in the first formative weeks of training and moves on to more advanced lessons-quartering, staunchness, steadiness to wing and shot, backing another dog Helps you train your dog to a higher standardOver one hundred photographs, many of them in step-by-step sequence, add to Roebuck's instructions.
Table of Contents :INTRODUCTION
Chapter 1 – Selecting Your Dog
Chapter 2 – Choice of Housing
Chapter 3 – Equipment
Chapter 4 – Starting Right
Chapter 5 – Initial Training
Chapter 6 – Faults
Chapter 7 – Advanced Training
Chapter 8 – Hunting Your Dog